Round four community grants announced

Two women composting in front of a gathered crowd

Wrapping up the second year of our Community Development Program, we’ve chosen to support further grants for some of the organisations that we’ve loved working with previously, alongside two new recipients who are planning fantastic community work to positively impact environmental sustainability or social disadvantage.

Seed the Ground, QLD

Our first grant went to their first Compost Hub in Miami on the Gold Coast; this second grant will be helping them to set up a second site – the Burleigh Compost Hub and Goodwill Gardens. As well as collecting and composting two tonnes of coffee grinds within six months from local cafes, they’re also becoming more community focused, with a food garden that will provide ten fresh product packages per month, which will go to local families in need. Burleigh Compost Hub will also run monthly volunteer sessions to connect with their community and teach people how to grow food and care for the soil.

Rottnest Foundation, WA

Our first grant supported their Longreach Link Revegetation project on Rottnest Island; the second grant will be focused on a new revegetation project at Fays Bay. The new project will rehabilitate over 1400 square metres of coast dune system, helping to manage visitor traffic, mitigate future erosion and improve native fauna habitat. It includes propagation of 7000 endemic dune species, and installation of fencing and jute-matting to protect and stabilise the site and planting undertaken by volunteers.

Friends with Dignity, NSW

Like their first grant, our second grant will continue to assist with their Sanctuaries program, which provides social and private housing for people who have fled from their home due to domestic violence and are transitioning from crisis accommodation to a new home. Through their volunteers, they furnish the entire home with all the basic items required to start a new life, from beds, lounge suites, and appliances, to cleaning products and toiletries. Our grant will help fund the purchase of these items, as well as the associated storage and labour costs.

RuffTRACK Limited, NSW

Our second grant will continue to support their MacDonald Valley bushfire and flood recovery project, with teams working to clear and rebuild over 18km of fence line and roadways, and six hectares of land rehabilitation. The project helps to provide skills and education to teenagers who have disengaged with school and the community, allowing them to gain a sense of self-worth and reconnection with their local community.


Community Help and Togetherness (CHATS) is an 100% volunteer-based organisation that helps the homeless, financially disadvantaged, and socially isolated in the western suburbs of Adelaide. They support those who are in short term accommodation by delivering meals, drinks, fruits and veggies three times a week and supply clothing, shoes and toiletries as needed. They provide a cooked breakfast to share together every Friday, and our grant will help add a surprise to their Christmas breakfast for this year. On Friday 23rd of December, each visitor will be gifted a $50 Coles voucher, plus a gift of Christmas food.

United Way South Australia, SA

The South Australian branch of United Way is focused on improving young kid’s literacy, so every child has the chance to start school strong. Their Imagination Library program provides home delivered monthly book packs to children under five to support their brain development, literacy skills, communication, and vocabulary. Our grant will help support 100 vulnerable children, providing around 1200 new book packs, which include a new quality, age-appropriate book, and a reading guide sheet for parents to help engage their child with the book.

If you would like to learn more about our grant recipients, our Community Development Program, or the grant application process, visit

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