Round three community grants announced

Woman wearing gloves holding a sapling tree in place while boy waters it into the ground, watched by two other children
Community grants round 3

Since 2020, Alinta Energy’s Community Development Program has provided more than $500,000 to Australian not-for-profits in support of their work addressing environmental sustainability or social disadvantage.

Recently, we announced our latest grant recipients from round three of the program. These recipients include: 

Baby Give Back, QLD

Baby Give Back aims to give babies and vulnerable children a safer start to life by providing essential items to disadvantaged families in crisis. Currently, Baby Give Back are experiencing extremely high demand for large items such as prams, cots, and mattresses, with families needing to go on waitlists, as it takes time for donated items to go through safety checks, cleaning, and processing. Our grant will go towards their ‘We’ve Got You’ project, allowing them to purchase brand new large essential items to help decrease the waitlist times for those families who need it most.

St Mary’s Outreach Service, WA

St Mary’s Outreach Service provides a safe and welcoming place for less fortunate families to shelter, receive a hearty meal, laundry, health care, and also be included in the community. They accept everyone who walks through their doors as a dignified and valued member of their Perth community. Time is spent with each family or patron to discover their specific needs, aiding in their necessities, and offering referrals and connections for further assistance. Our grant will support their operational requirements such as food supply, hall hires, volunteer training, uniforms, mental health support and health supplies, so St Mary’s can continue to care for the most vulnerable members of their community.

Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre Inc., NSW

Our grant will go towards Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre’s proposed program to provide a culturally safe space for Indigenous youth to connect with country through art and story. The program will be facilitated through an Indigenous Worimi artist and will provide a free and safe activity for disadvantaged children to engage and learn about their culture after their school day.

RuffTRACK Limited, NSW

RuffTRACK takes on teenagers who have disengaged with school and the community, and work with them to provide skills and education, leading to a sense of self-worth and reconnection with their community. Our grant is going towards their MacDonald Valley bushfire and flood recovery project, where RuffTRACK and the teens in their program will help rehabilitate the land and the community. This will be done by providing work experience and traineeships, education in land rehabilitation and sustainability, and physical and mental support for the farmers and community members affected most.

Teach Learn Grow, WA

Teach Learn Grow provides one-on-one tutoring programs for maths and STEAM curriculums to help bridge the education gap in primary school students from rural or remote areas. Their vision is for all children to have equal education opportunities, regardless of their location, background, or circumstance. Our grant will be going towards their Rural Tutoring program, where around fifteen volunteers will be tutoring three or four students a day for the whole school week, at three different primary schools in the area around Yandin Wind Farm.

Organisations interested in finding out more about our grant recipients, our Community Development Program, or the grant application process, can visit

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