Yandin Wind Farm

The site of Yandin Wind Farm

Yandin Wind farm (a RATCH/Alinta Energy investment managed by Alinta Energy) is located about 175km north of Perth near the town of Dandaragan. It is one of Western Australia’s largest wind farms, with 51 wind turbine generators generating the equivalent amount of energy consumed by 200,000 homes.

Project overview

The project achieved a major milestone on 12 July 2020 when the first wind turbine generator commenced generation of clean wind energy and on Saturday 31 October 2020 the last turbine blade was installed.

The wind farm is connected to Western Power’s 330 kV electricity network via a new 10km transmission line and terminal station that will be built, owned and operated by Western Power. Vestas operates and maintains the wind farm under a long-term service agreement.

Environmental benefits

The Yandin Wind Farm will help to drive more affordable and cleaner energy for Western Australia and combined with Alinta Energy’s gas-fired power stations, it will also help us use gas more efficiently. That is beneficial for us, our customers and the environment.

Enquiries & Complaints

Phone: 1300 663 160

Email: yandinwindfarm@alintaenergy.com.au

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