If you think you may have provided a third party with your credit card or bank account details over the phone as part of this, or any other suspected scam involving Alinta Energy, please contact your bank or financial institution immediately. You should also report the scam via the Federal Government's Scam Watch website at www.scamwatch.gov.au.
Please contact your local police if you believe you may be the victim of fraud.
To assist you further in making sure you are protected, we want you to feel safe in knowing the facts when it comes to sharing your personal and banking information with Alinta Energy. Remember:
- Alinta Energy will never contact you and ask for your bill to be paid over the phone or by using third party gift cards.
- You can securely pay your bill by phone using our automated bill payment system which can be accessed by calling 1300 738 845 , or by visiting alintaenergy.com.au/paymybill
- Alinta Energy will never call you directly to advise you that our rates are changing. These notices will be sent to you in writing either by email or by letter.
- Alinta Energy will always inform you when a technician needs to attend your property for a meter read. Every technician will have a form of valid ID from their distributor on their person. If you are unsure, request to see their ID and trust that over any personal details they might show you as proof instead.
- You should not trust any phone call that does not display caller ID. Calls made by or on behalf of Alinta Energy will always display the agent’s phone number.
- You should only update your account information using My Account or with an authorised Alinta Energy Customer Care representative, whereby you have initiated the call and the phone number you dialled came from a trusted source, such as our website, your bill or our marketing materials.
- We will always provide a customer reference number to you over the phone that can be used to reference your account details via our billing system at a later date.
Kind regards
The Alinta Energy team