Social Media Terms of Use

Our social media accounts cover topics relating to our business activities as energy retailer. We like to share our energy knowledge and encourage your discussions about energy. Our accounts provide our customers with an opportunity to learn about Alinta Energy, our products and services and to obtain customer services related to our products and services.

We like reading your comments on our social media accounts, although please keep them on-topic and respectful. On our social media accounts, we endeavour to have open dialogue and ask our followers and contributors understand and abide by our Terms of Use.

By interacting with Alinta Energy Pages, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”). we may, in its absolute discretion, modify or amend these Terms of Use from time to time, and modifications and amendments will be binding on you once displayed here.

Hours of operation

We are available to chat on social media between 9am and 5pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.
There may be times when our social media accounts are unavailable. In these circumstances please contact us.

Social Channels with links

  • Facebook: Follow us or direct Private Message us for customer service.
  • Twitter (hereafter referred to as X): Follow us or tweet @alintahelp for customer service.
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn

Appropriate Use

We value all contributors’ opinions and encourages debate; however, we moderate our social channels for any content that we consider inappropriate. To keep our online environments friendly and appropriate we will remove:

  • Any abusive or offensive activity
  • Any inappropriate, threatening links to external or unauthorised websites
  • Any personal information to protect individual’s right to privacy
  • Any false or misleading information
  • Any advertising or promotions, unrelated commercial posts or any attempts to solicit our customers
  • Any material that may be technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bomb, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data)
  • they use images in profile pictures or user backgrounds that are, in our opinion, inappropriate or offensive.
  • they breach the Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIn Terms of Use
  • Any content that is unlawful, including content that is, defamatory or spam
  • Any post that promote other energy retailers
  • Any fake or anonymous posts
  • Any repetitive posts
  • Any content that we deem is in bad taste

We respect Intellectual Property Rights and all contributions to Alinta Energy’s social media channels must only be your own original work.

Any user content uploaded to any of our social media channels reflects the users’ views and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Alinta Energy. Alinta Energy does not certify or guarantee that the accuracy of any user content posted to any of our social media channels.

We reserve the right to remove or hide any posts for any reason.

It is assumed Followers and Contributors are to be familiar with the Facebook terms of serviceX terms of service, Instagram (, YouTube ( and LinkedIn user agreement.


If you follow Alinta Energy Social Media accounts on Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube or Linkedin, we may in turn follow you. Being followed by Alinta Energy does not imply our endorsement.

Replies and direct messages

We welcome feedback and comments from our followers and contributors and aim to join the conversation where possible. However, we reserve the right to refrain from replying and may be unable to respond to each post received.

We monitor all private messages, comments, replies and posts on our Facebook, X and Instagram pages, as well as comments on our LinkedIn and YouTube accounts. Where messages relate to a specific customer issue, we will endeavour to assist and may redirect these to our customer service team for action.


Alinta Energy will not tolerate trolling. By posting any content including comments, audio, videos or other material to any of our social media channels you agree that Alinta Energy can share, use and authorise others to share and use this content. If your content is removed, Alinta Energy can still continue to use and share this.

Customer Service

Our aim to respond to queries within 4-6 hours on business days during business hours in Sydney and Perth Australia. Comments and queries posted on weekends, public holidays and out of office hours will be responded to on the following business day.

We understand that some individuals require urgent and immediate help and support. If you if you require urgent assistance please visit our faults & emergencies page or contact us.


Alinta Energy does not own or control these third party Social Media sites. By linking to these pages we do not take responsibility for their contents or endorse these sites. Any content on our channels does not provide a licence for you to use any third-party content.


We ask followers and contributors be respectful to each other and to Alinta Energy, and that you interact with us only about business operations relevant to Alinta Energy, our services and products. Alinta Energy reserved the right to remove any content that is deemed irrelevant to our business operations, services or products.

Third party links

Any link from a post on Alinta Energy’s accounts to third parties and third-party products, services or information does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by us of those parties or products. Alinta Energy does not assume any responsibility or liability for third party information or for the operation or function of any service, product or facility offered by third parties and encourages our followers and contributors to make their own independent assessment as to whether a third-party product is suitable for their needs.


We encourage you to keep your private information private. Please do not post any of your personal, financial or energy account information on our social media pages. To maintain your privacy and the privacy of others, Alinta Energy recommends you do not include private information such as telephone numbers, email addresses or other personal identifiers in your posts.

We will never ask you to provide personal, financial or account details publicly via our Social Media channels. An Alinta Energy agent may ask for your telephone or email contact or address through a private message function to resolve a query.

Our Privacy Policy available at tells you how we handle your personal information, including how you can access it, have it corrected, or make a complaint.

If you have concerns about someone asking for personal information via our social media channels, please notify us via our contact us page.

Alinta Energy staff using Social Media Accounts

The posts of Alinta Energy staff acting in their personal capacity on Social Media do not represent the views of Alinta Energy. Such posts and their content should be considered as having been created by private citizens without the knowledge or endorsement of Alinta Energy.

Breaching the rules

If you breach any of these rules when contributing to Alinta Energy’s social media channels your contributions may be deleted, edited or refused. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your access to our social media channels at any time without notice at our discretion. Alinta Energy reserves the right to act against any social media account, at any time, for any breach.

If you have breached these rules you may be given a warning and if you continue to breach these rules it may result in action being taken against your social media account/s.


All content or materials made available on Alinta Energy Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts is for informational purposes only. While Alinta Energy takes all reasonable steps to ensure that content or materials it provides is accurate, it does not and is unable to check the accuracy of content or materials provided or made available (including through links) by followers, contributors or other third parties.

Consequently, Alinta Energy:

• makes no statement, representation, or warranty about the accuracy or completeness of any content or materials posted to, or provided by Alinta Energy or its followers on, Alinta Energy Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts.

• to the fullest extent permissible by law, disclaims all liability (including in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs incurred by followers and other visitors to Alinta Energy Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts as a result of content or materials being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


We reserve the right to amend any of these rules at any time with all amendments becoming effective at the time of publication.

If you view something on our Social Media pages that you think breaches these Terms of Use. Please let us know by private message.

To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us from and against all actions, claims, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (whether in tort or in contract including and without limitation, negligence) arising out of or in any way connected to the use of the Pages by you.

We do not make any claims that the information or User Content on the Pages is appropriate or may be downloaded in all areas, countries or jurisdictions. The information contained in the Pages may not be accessed legally by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Pages, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for complying with the laws of your jurisdiction.

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